Event: "Dzov Yerku Kooynov" (Sea of Two Colors)

Thursday, March 15th - 8pm

Composer Mary Kouyoumdjian will have her piece "Dzov Yerku Kooynov" (Sea of Two Colors) premiered by the New York-based contemporary music ensemble Hotel Elefant on Thursday, March 15, at 8 p.m. at the DiMenna Center for Classical Music

Location: Hotel Elefant, 450 W 37th St, New York City

Written for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, and piano, "Dzov Yerku Kooynov" is a portrait piece of composer Komitas, exploring the deterioration of his mind in the aftermath of the Armenian Genocide. For more information, visit www.hotelelefant.org/events.html.
