REBIRTH April 28 - concert at Merkin Concert Hall

DON'T Miss out on this exceptional concert!!
Get your tickets ASAP:

Saturday April 28 - time:8:00pm

Event: Rebirth: Dedicated to the Dual 20th Anniversaries of the Membership of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations and the Establishment of the Armenian Armed Forces.

The Philharmonic Community Symphony Ochestra of Rhode Island, Konstantin Petrossian conductor + Reknowned Armenian singers from Armenia and Diaspora
Participating Legnedary and Popular Artists of The Republic of Armenia

Arevik Gharibyan and Johnny Roubian: From Yerevan Yeghishe Manoucharyan: Tenor of Metropolitan Opera Victoria Avetisyan: Mezzo Soprano of the Boston Opera
Vicken Tarpinian: Popular Singer from France

Organized by Tekeyan Armenian Cultural Assoc., Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cutural Society, The Armenian Relief Society, Knights of Vartan

Location: Kaufman center, Merkin concert Hall, 129 West 67th St., NYC
Donation: $100 $75 $50

for tickets contact:
Marie 201 745 8850
Missak 212 819 0097
Hamazkayin Office 201 945 8992
