Taner Akcam lecture on October 18th, 2012

On Thursday, October 18, the Eastern Diocese will host a lecture by Professor Taner Akçam titled “The Young Turks' Crime Against Humanity: Ethnic Cleansing and the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire.” The lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium of the Diocesan Center (630 Second Avenue, New York City).

It is free and open to the public.

Info from the flyer:

Sociologist and historian TANER AKÇAM
is the Kaloosdian/Mugar Professor at
the Center for Holocaust and Genocide
Studies of Clark University, Worcester,
Mass. Prior to that he taught at the Center
for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
at the University of Minnesota. Born in
Turkey’s Ardahan province, Prof. Akçam
gained international attention when
his native country sentenced him to a
10-year prison term for his involvement
in producing a student journal. In 1976,
Amnesty International adopted his cause,
naming him a prisoner of conscience.
In 1977, Akçam escaped from Ankara
Central Prison, where he had served a
year of the sentence, and found political
asylum in Germany. Since receiving his
doctorate Prof. Akçam has become well
known as a leading international authority
on the Genocide, and as one of the first
Turkish academics to acknowledge and
openly discuss it. In 2006 he published his
landmark work of historical investigation,
A Shameful Act: The Armenian Genocide
and the Question of Turkish Responsibility. Responsibility
His latest book, The Young Turks’ Crime
Against Humanity, was published in 2012.
Poet and scholar PETER BALAKIAN is the Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar
Professor of Humanities at Colgate University, in Hamilton, N.Y. The author
of five books of poems, including Father Fisheye (1979) and Sad Days of Light
(1983), Prof. Balakian’s award-winning 1997 memoir Black Dog of Fate
brought renewed public attention to the Armenian Genocide. His subsequent works, The
Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America’s Response (2003) and a modern edition of Bishop Grigoris Balakian’s eye-witness account Armenian
Golgotha (editor, with translator Aris G. Sevag) confirmed Balakian’s stature as the
leading public voice of Armenian Genocide advocacy.
against humanity

A lecture by TANER AKÇAM
Introduction by PETER BALAKIAN
Առաջնորդութիւն Հայոց Ամերիկայի Արեւելեան Թեմի | Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
With the participation of: The Armenian General Benevolent Union, the Knights and Daughters of Vartan,
Tekeyan Cultural Association, C.A.R.S., Tibrevank Alumni, Hye Doon, Eseyan-Getronagan Alumni
Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium
630 Second Avenue (at 35th Street), New York City
Admission is free and
open to the public.
thursday @ 7:30 p.m.
OctOber 18, 2012 Visit the Eastern
Diocese on the web:

Check out the update about the lecture and videos at: http://nyhye.blogspot.com/2012/10/taner-akcam-lecture-on-oct-22nd-in-nyc.html
