Movie: Screening of Voyage to Amasia

The ANC of NJ on Sunday, May 19, 2013 will present: Voyage to Amasia: a film by Randy Bell and Eric Hachikian at 1:00 pm
It will take place at Sts. Vartanantz Church's Hall, 461 Bergen Blvd, Ridgefield, NJ -
Come to morning badarak and stay for the film

Following the film, a Q&A will be held by Director Eric Hachikian.

Admission is FREE

This award winning documentary (Best Documentary, Pomegranate International Film Festival 2011)tells composer Eric Hachikian’s story of his return to his ancestral home Amasia, Turkey – nearly 100 years after Ottoman soldiers deported his grandmother, Helen Shushan, and her family. The film traces a path through the past, honoring Eric's relationship with his grandmother and uncovering what her family's life in Turkey might have been like.

For additional information, please call James Sahagian at (201) 739-0901

Here is trailer from the movie:
