AIWA's 25th anniversary celebration in New Jersey

Yesterday there were two major Armenian events taking place: AIWA's 25th anniversary and Shnorhali's concert in Manhattan. I attended AIWA's, even though I had ticket for Shnorhali. Lolita was able to attend. However, my son was also going to attend, when my husband dropped him off at 12:45, the bus was pulling out. The bus for the event was supposed to leave at 1pm from Holy Martyrs. Sadly, even though my husband tried to get the attention of the bus driver, it didn't work. I was disappointed that my son Alex was unable to attend Shnorhali's event.

I had great time at the AIWA's event, specially sharing the table with wonderful people: specially Talene, the president of Armenian Network of greater New York region with her lovely mother Adrienne had travelled long distance to attend. They drove all the way from Binghampton. Arpi Chankar and her mother, as well as Artoon Hamalian with his wife were at our table. It was great to meet Gary Touryan and his wife and mother in law.

Here is the flyer of the event that gives you an idea of the wonderful program and those who organized it:

#AIWA #Armenian #event 25th #anniversary #nj

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#Talene and her mom at#AIWA #Armenian #event 25th #anniversary @armnetgny

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#AIWA #Armenian #event 25th #anniversary of Armenian #International #womens #Association

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Moments captured at AIWA's 25th anniversary:
