Various Armenian Genealogy topic links via Facebook groups

1930 census of US chart from website.

Nisanyan's map

Check out this very important article which appeared in Asbarez newsletter: Here is some quotes from the article: New Book Puts Armenians Back on the Map in Turkey. Census of 4,000 Armenian-Inhabited Towns and Villages Proves Population of 2.5 Million in 1914

LOS ANGELES—In 1971, Dr. Sarkis Karayan, was asked by his professor, Dr. Stanley Kerr, to calculate how many Armenians were killed in the Genocide of 1915 perpetrated by Ottoman Turkey. Karayan realized that to answer that question, a different question needed to be asked: “How many Armenians lived in Ottoman Turkey before the Genocide began?” Though he was a medical doctor, Karayan took on Kerr’s request and began what would become a lifelong research project that culminated in his writing a 674-page book, “Armenians in Ottoman Turkey, 1914: A Geographical and Demographic Gazetteer.”

This landmark volume, the first of its kind, contains a meticulously researched and footnoted list of more than 4,000 Armenian-inhabited towns and villages in 1914 and a census of how many Armenians lived in Turkey in the early 20th century.

Article in AGBU:
Houston, Texas – A lot has changed since the first Armenians settled in Texas in the 1880′s. The horse and buggy is gone, electricity has replaced the kerosene lamp and county sheriffs no longer run for office on “I shoot to kill” slogans.
Newcomers today arrive into an established “community,” but back then Texas was a “new frontier”, unknown to most Americans, and even less to Armenians half a world away, whose only knowledge of the New World was based on what they had heard from American missionaries roaming Asia Minor...."

Great resource for variety of research at for variety of resources to check out

Search result for Aslanian

The Armenians in Massachusetts 1937 book

The Sultan’s Gift
December 19, 2018 by Anchi Hoh
(The following is a post by Joan Weeks, head of the Near East Section and Turkish specialist, African and Middle Eastern Division.)

At this time of the year, many have thoughts of finding the perfect present for their loved ones or friends, and often a cherished book or a subscription to a favorite magazine for the recipient comes to the donor’s mind. One of the most unique and unusual gifts that the Library of Congress has received came from Sultan Abdul-Hamid II regent of the Ottoman Empire from 1876 to 1909...

Abdul-Hamid II Collection (Digitized) at the U.S. Library of Congress [Links]

About the collection (books and serials; page created in 2018):
Collection items (books and serials):
About the collection (photos; page created in 2003):
Collection items (photos):
“The Sultan’s Gift” article in the U.S. Library of Congress International Collections blog (December 19, 2018):
