Armenian expressions translated

 Today Nicolas Nigoghos Seferian on Facebook, had compiled an amazing list of Armenian sayings and shared. 

I'll add some more soon.

- khelket sirem - let me love your brain
- Eshou tsak : donkeys son
- Zekhemin keuk : the poisons root
- kloukhs mi artouger: dont iron my head
- barab dagar : empty barrel
- amma khyar es : your such a cucumber
- eshoun sadgadz deghe : the place where the donkey died
- baytelik es : your gonna blow up
- fesh fesh enoughe : the spray bottle
- gadghadz gabig es : your an exited monkey
- vodkis dage bidi arnem : im gonna put you under my feet
- chortsadz lati bes es : your like a dried cloth
- eshou kak : donkeys ****
- inch ga chiga? : whats existing and what isnt?
- maman vorige gerere : the mom ate your ass
- Pores ge keshe gor: my stomach is driving
- Kitt perant meg gnem : I'll do your mouth & nose 1 .
- Tasis vra-en antsa : I passed on my homework.
- Moukht ge marem : I'll put off your smoke.
- Anoush Paghnik : Sweet shower.
- Anoush ella : may it be sweet.
- baghadz abour es : you are cold soup
- peranes maz ge pousn i: hair is growing out of my mouth
- kaken e : its from the ****
- hasagit chap lezou ounis : your tongue is as long as your height
- Klookhs darir : you took my head away
- chigheroos tbar : u touched my veins
- Sird chi ga : there isnt any heart
- shat es eres arnum - you're purchasing way too many faces
- Mernem jigyarit! - Let me die on your liver
- Che Ha - No Yes
- poush poush hayvan - hedgehog
- kloukhet taghem - I'll bury your head
- tsaynet tzuynet chelav - your voice and snow didnt come out
- tepp-teghin - yell-yellow
- bus-barab - empty bus
- sussik-pussik - silent cat
- mukhes maretzav - my smoke deleted
- tzavet danem - I'll take away your pain
- khelkes tartzav - my brain flipped over
- hame hode hanetzir - you took out the odor and taste
- boyit mernem - let me die on your tallness
- fsdekhi bes degha eh : hes a boy like a peanut
- ehh kna yao veras kere - tsk..go and write something on me
- hokis elav = my soul left
- Kakeh hanetsir - you took the **** out.
- Engeris patsi - I opened my friend
- panosin atchke khosi - panos' eye talk
- echoo koolookh - head of a donkey
- kake hanetzir - you took the **** out
- kheyari genemanis--- --> u look like a cucumber
- sird chounim - i have no heart
- sird chi ga - there isnt any heart
- tserkerout talar - ur hands ever fresh
- chigheroos tbar - u touched my veins
- kites peranes perir - you brought it from my nose and my mouth
- kezi bade bidi paktsenem - im gonna stick u to the wall
